Monday, June 9, 2008

Incoming Randomness....

I'm not sure I want to write about, only that I feel an urge to write. I'm two glasses in to a bottle of fantastic white wine and in approximately six hours, I have to be at work for---ACTION TUESDAY!!!!! (preferably screamed in a Frankenstein/mummy voice.) ACTION TUESDAY!!!! Is the day all the new entertainment merchandise hits stores and is the day I have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn every single week of my life since I started working at Borders. It is the day I love/hate the most. I love it because it's a fast work day and for much of it I don't have to deal with customers, and I hate it because I have to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning and I never have Tuesday off anymore.
But enough shop talk, I'd rather talk about... fractal geometry. Fantastic stuff. I don't know why something that has a limited area but an infinitely long perimeter can make more sense to me than y=mx+b, but it does. I understand that when you cut away more area you are left with more boundaries, but I still don't understand conversion units. Go figure. All I know is that I can't get enough of drawing Koch snowflakes and contemplating the possiblity of finding an isometric pattern in the shape of lightning bolts. I don't know if there really is one, but I don't think anyone has thought to look yet.
OOH! I printed up the first half of my story this morning. Dear gods, I never realized how much paper 187 pages really is. Coolest thing about it though is that the girl at the counter gave me a discount for no good reason. Maybe it's because I nearly shit my pants when she dropped a pound of paper on the counter.
Okay, that's all for now.

1 comment:

Keri said...

I too love to preferably scream in a Frankenstein/mummy voice. Top notch!!! Mouth breathers eh? How about gum smackers- something to ponder.